Last summer, I had to hire the services of an engineer to help design our front porch. This was a critical step in passing our inspection and completing a project that we had started with our neighbours.

Our neighbour took the initiative and began discussions with the engineer. However, weeks soon turned to months. The entire application and design process was taking longer than expected, causing me and my family frustration and confusion. Additionally, I was no longer copied on emails or kept informed of the discussions. I reached out to the engineer’s office directly, but got no response.

I only heard back from the staff of the office when the assignment was completed and it was time to pay.

Needless to say, the entire experience left me with a terrible impression of this otherwise capable business. The only thought that stopped me from leaving a bad review on Google was the fact that they had done a fairly decent enough job when the drawings were finally completed. (In addition, my goal is to always support local businesses. It will take a lot for me to leave a bad review for a local business, knowing what I know today.)

This negative experience could have been avoided if the engineer has structured his communication better, and automated several tasks such as auto responses to emails.


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